It is really hard to sift through the info out there when trying to get your home or office on to solar power, with load shedding and other power problems, it is becoming very important to secure your power needs now. With this in mind we have created a simple and affordable system to get you into the world of producing your own power quickly and effectively.
We introduce the Solaire Solar backup System. The product comprises of a custom designed cabinet that houses an inverter, and all the switching and fuses required to connect to a battery backup and solar panels of various sizes. The cabinet is simply mounted in your home, Utility power connected and then your load is connected.
We have different sizes and specification to meet your budget and power demands.
Request A Quote
Simply fill in the form and we will get in touch with you within 24 hours, or call us direct.
* Please note that the provided information is a preliminary check only. The Financial Services Provider will require proof of income and other documents before the application will be approved.